Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First off, I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for leaving such sweet comments about my potholders. Who knew kitchen textiles could create such buzz? Although I was not a grand winner, I was a finalist! Unexpectedly they awarded the 8 finalists with some pretty fabric. I'll make sure to post my loot when it arrives.

Also, hello to everyone who is stopping by from Prudent Baby! They were nice enough to post some link love for the finalists and this little blog is getting lots of visitors. I have had several requests for a tutorial for the ruffled potholder and it's in the works. It is a simple change to the pretty pot holder tutorial posted by Prudent Baby so expect it soon!
Eden has been especially cute lately. Her little personality is blossoming, mostly because she can now verbally express herself really well. Every day she is learning to be a little bit more polite and patient (and so is her mom :) ). She's getting to an age where we can have little discussions about God and Jesus, and has started asking to pray for specific friends. It's all very sweet. We try to read one Old Testament and one New Testament story a day (thanks Dudley's for the Ergermeyer's Bible Story Book!). This book is on my wish list, I think it would be a great tool for children's devotionals.

Eden is also getting to the stage where she says the funniest things. I went to wake her up yesterday morning and she gasped "run away little piggy!!" before falling back into a deep sleep. While I was at bible study tonight, she told Thomas "I not see mama. I worry about mama." as he put her to bed. She didn't make it to the potty in time last week and stopped in the bathroom door, sighed, and said "Oooohh, Eden." She tells us that things "make her feel better" or "not make her feel better" (things like chocolate milk, pants, or hugs). I could write a book, and probably should.

Although you're not all here to hear her cuteness, here are a "few" pictures so you can see some of the cuteness. Little girls are so much fun to dress!

Favorite Boots:

 Leggings are a must for winter girly girls:

  Vintage clothing is lots of fun (the white circles all contain lower case cursive letters):

  She may love dresses, but I think there might be a jeans and t-shirt girl in there somewhere:

Serious attitude and the bag lady look:


  1. Oh so cute! I love her little "ooooh eden" - that is just adorable. :)

    and all the photos are like the satorialist for kids - so fashionable!

  2. oh, so much fun for Grandma & Grandpa, what a little cutie!!

  3. wow I love her clothes! So cute!!

    Also, I wanted to recommended two books for devotions to you that we've had great success with Tor.

    The first one is: http://www.amazon.com/My-ABC-Bible-Verses-Hiding/dp/1581340052/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1300026356&sr=1-2

    He memorized all 26 Scriptures from it when he was two years old and the life lessons in it are great. Plus it's wonderful for this age because it's shorter stories for the shorter attention span.

    This book is what we read to him every night now.


    It goes through the whole Bible in one year, and is WAY more in depth about the stories than any other "young kids Bible storybook" I've ever seen. Is only has black and white pen drawings, and requires an attention span. Some reviews I've read say that it's for ages 8+, but Tor loves it and it is giving him a very thorough knowledge of God's work in history.
